Here Are The Requirements For Our Regular Money Back Guarantee:
1. You must implement all strategies taught in the Six Figure Success Academy Course. You must watch all training videos, review all resources, and complete every corresponding action item in the Six Figure Success Academy Course after purchasing the course. The course's content is subject to change, but you are required to complete all material of the course that was available to you at your time of purchase. You must show documented proof that you have completed the course and were awarded the course completion certification. The course is concise with short videos, so we require you to complete the course before claiming refund. You must also show documented proof that you have made attempts to implement all of the strategies taught in the Six Figure Success Academy after purchasing Six Figure Success Academy (do this inside of your Google Doc as you implement these strategies).
1A. With that being said, you must show that you consistently contacted 2 potential client leads (Bob) or more every single day utilizing the strategies taught in the course.
1B. You must contact at least 2 potential promotion partners (influencers) or more every day utilizing the strategies taught in the course.
2. You must leverage our world class support team for assistance. We care about our Six Figure Success Academy students and are here to help guide them to success. If there are any questions or concerns regarding the Six Figure Success Academy course or content, you must contact our support team on a few (at least 3) separate occasions at either of the following options:
a. Email:
b. Facebook group ("Six Figure Success Academy Members'")
c. Chat Support Inside of the Six Figure Success Academy Course
You must show documented proof that you have tried either of these three options to request advice on course content in the Six Figure Success Academy.
3. You must document all of the proof you perform in a Google Doc, including when you performed the action. It is imperative that you document this data in the Google Doc immediately after you perform each requirement listed above, because Google will track when you made updates to the document, and this is how we will know that you met the requirements in the time allotted. We want you to have success, therefore we expect you to start implementing what we've taught you within 7 days of your purchase. So, you should document all of this and include your name, your purchase email address, and share that document with us at within 7 days of your purchase today. You must attempt this for at least 7 days.
That’s it! If you follow these steps and still don't produce income within 30 days of your investment in the Six Figure Success Academy, simply contact us at and we’ll arrange a quick web meeting to verify you fully met each of the requirements exactly as specified above. You must contact us between 1-29 days of your purchase today to claim this guarantee and meet all the requirements exactly as stated above. No exceptions.
Agreement for Multi-Pay Purchases:
Upon purchasing the Six Figure Success Academy via a multi-pay (2 pay option), you agree to fulfill/pay all of the payments within the time allotted (within 60 days after purchase for 2 pay). If you require an extension, reach out to our support at
If the full payment is not received, we reserve the right to revoke full access to the course. Payments that have already been cleared cannot be refunded until our conditional refund requirements above have also been met.
Six Figure Success Academy Monthly, Refund Agreement:
Upon purchasing the Six Figure Success Academy Monthly Program, you agree that your first monthly payment is subject to the normal refund policy above. You can cancel the monthly fee at any time and your access to the course will be disabled.